Thursday, April 23, 2009

everything ......

ok last nights post didn't really count as my first post, it was too short lol! So here is my real first one yay meeeee!

Nothing much going on today i have to start my National Discovery Network project for school it counts as outside activities! So while I'm doing this my teacher aka mom is out side starting/working in her garden...(shes playing hookey) lol and getting my brother off the bus. He had a perfect day at school but then gets home and is well lets just say not perfect.

Today didn't start off so good yesterday my parents cat named Bandit got into my moms sewing machine and swallowed some string..we thought we got it all out but we were wrong. This morning when i got up my mom informed me that bandit has not been his usual crazy wild self..he was laying around and hiding from everyone. So my mom called the vet and they wanted to see him asap...that being 10 o'clock this morning . When we get there we find out that he is sensitive in his abdomen NOT GOOD... the vet took his temperature ( no temp) and then took an x-ray they found some things that didn't look too good so they gave him some kind of medicine that will show if there is anything stuck in his stomach and decided to keep him and x-ray every few hours to see how the medicine mom knows more info and I'm sure she has already blogged about it ( ) if she hasn't she
Once i got home i came and checked my myspace and it said that my modeling agent had accepted my friends request ! made my day a little bit better !

well i got to get some of this project done before i leave to go get a part time job at the mall ( cant model and take pics if i don't have to money for the trips ) so more later as my mom always says.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Ok....short first post....have 2 minutes to get everyone!